"In April 2005 the WTO Appellate Body ruled that the US could restrict online gambling on moral grounds, but only if it applied these restrictions equally. According to the WTO the US failed to do that, by allowing internet betting with American horse-racing companies."
Looking across the Pond, meanwhile, PokerPages says that "The Reuters news agency reporting the EU's warning quoted an unidentified EU policymaker as saying that the German plans were inconsistent because they allowed horse racing but banned other forms of gaming...[U]nder EU law, EU countries are not allowed to block firms of other member states from operating in their home markets if they allow domestic companies to operate gambling sites and lotteries, and run betting operations."
Back both Germany and the USA to act like they have fingers in their ears, while singing "can't hear you" in the style of a five-year-old. One law for them and another for everyone else: 'league of nations' my rear end.
This run-down of procedural changes for the 2007 World Series of Poker is noteworthy for two things:
(a) To anyone who feels this bloated event contains too many events that are too alike, Blount's comment that "Some of the tournaments will be your standard bracelet events" has a damning edge to it. Standard bracelet event? In the World Series? If you're a WSOP organiser with any comprehension of the adage that less is more, these words amount to a flashing red light.

Nothing is forever in this life but do we really have to call 72o The Best Damn Hand in Poker now? I think they're just being ironic.
If the thoroughly-credible Top Ten Poker Videos, on the other hand, updates regularly, its creator may have to brace himself for a serious hit-count.
One week to go to the end of Lent and my 40-day (not counting Sundays) abstinence from poker.
I won't be proud: it is now killing me. 'Raring to go' would be an understatement.
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