Another step in the demise of poker's innocence: after several years of a general plenty-for-everyone attitude among online poker rooms, suddenly the claws seem to be coming out. "Currently I am concentrating my efforts on establishing the new online poker room, and am applying the same principles with it that were adopted with the Gutshot live club in London.
I had to decline a particularly scathing comment against Party Poker's founders posted by one reader last week, purely because I just hadn't the time to satisfy myself that it wouldn't get me sued. Good read, though...
Now Gutshot Poker owner Derek Kelly sends an e-mail to members that fires a shot across his rivals' bows:
"While no-one should begrudge an operator of online poker the right to make a profit one has to wonder at the level of the profits being made to date by the big four operators.
"We don’t expect to get it right all the time but with your support we can put ourselves in a position to have some influence on changing the existing trend of major operators. We have never been faceless profiteering tax exiles at Gutshot and never intend to be."
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