I feel like a golfer who's just learnt that St Andrews is shutting down but then St Andrews has the luxury of timelessness, a quality in short supply in a new and booming market such as online poker."After 9 years in business, Planet Poker has made the difficult decision to cease real money operations. Management regrets this decision but the impact of the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act in the U.S. leaves no reasonable alternative.
During the past several months, Planet Poker explored every reasonable option to continue real money operations. This included working with other cardrooms and ecommerce processors to find solutions to the issues existing in the industry today. Unfortunately, no viable solution surfaced.
...Real money tables and tournaments will continue at Planet Poker through to 31 March 2007, but effective immediately you can no longer make a deposit.
...Thank you for your support during the past 9 years. We recommend that you transfer your funds to another cardroom so you can continue to play for real money.
Planet Poker will continue to offer you the best "Play for fun" poker on the internet and hope to see you frequently at our tables. We hope to return to real money operations when the legal climate is clearer.
...Planet Poker Management
Nostalgia was never going to be enough for Planet: it had to evolve and didn't and while there is much sadness at its demise among online players, there is little surprise.
One blogger reports that Bodog is offering to take on Planet's account balances, with a 10% bonus offer to those players who take up the offer.
'Kickass Poker', suggests that Planet had problems with its shuffle algorithm at one point, although I suspect that software that seemed locked in a time-warp was what really saw the customers drift away.
"For getting the ball rolling," Terrence Chan rightly suggests, "we all owe Planet Poker a small debt for where we are today."
Not one to let the grass grow under his feet, meanwhile, 'taz115' comes up with a nice poker strategy for such circumstances, over at ITH.com
"With the pokeroom closing I bet the games will be pretty juicy there this weekend if you have an account there. I imagine a lot of casual players will be looking to bust or double rather than transfer to another room."
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