mercredi 14 mars 2007

Abstinence makes the mind grow sharper

Three weeks into my self-enforced absence from poker and I must admit I'm nowhere near as flakey as I expected.

The swotting-up on technique goes slower than anticipated but it is at least happening and after a week without any Damascene moments, certain gaps in my game are beginning to become apparent. I need to give position the same priority as hand-strength and, chore though it may be, I need to get serious about keeping notes on my opponents.

Perhaps the best breakthrough of all is that I now know I can do without poker for a while. The world still turns when I give the game a miss and the dreaded gremlin I feared would sit on my shoulder throughout Lent, speculating as to how much money I may be missing out on, has failed to materialise.

Opening up an on-line poker room for an hour a night had become the chain-letter I didn't dare destroy. Not any more. Sure, I'm getting a little twitchiness now but with 24 days to go, I think it will pace itself.

For the next three nights at least, it's not even an issue. On duty at the Go Fishing Show, I return to my keyboard on Sunday.

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